Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Scenes that shocked Sun Hill (1)

Sun Hill has had its fair share of drama over the years from bent coppers to petrol bombs. Yep, this station has seen it all. In 'Scenes that shocked Sun Hill' we look back over the storylines that gripped the nation (in no particular order). So sit back and reminisce...

Kiss Kiss...Sgt Craig Gilmore and (straight but confused) PC Luke Ashton locked lips in the locker room in a storyline which got the nation talking.
This passionate embrace sparked around 300 complaints with viewers complaining it shouldn't have been shown pre-watershed (it was the first gay kiss to be shown before 9pm). Ooh er!

...Bang Bang: The end of Sgt Matt Boyden. After sleeping with DI Samantha Nixon's underage daughter (15 at the time tut tut), Boyden wasn't a popular guy. So it wasn't a huge surprise to see him gunned down on the street, which sparked the question "Who shot Sgt Matt Boyden?" The storyline carried on in The Bill spin-off show 'M.I.T: Murder Investigation Team' which revealed his junkie daughter Amy to be behind the shooting. Killed by your own daughter-not cool.

Serial Thriller: A serial killer was on the loose! And one of Sun Hill's very own was to be the next victim. On her way to the Sun Hill Christmas party, PC Cass Rickman was abducted and killed by the serial killer. The bubbly Scousers body was found washed up on the Thames by PC Nick Klein (who was secretly in love with her).
Simon Kitson, her boyfriend and journalist was arrested as he was connected to all the victims but committed suicide while he was locked up in the cell.
The serial killer was in fact Pat Kitson, Simon's sister who was in love with her brother and couldn't bear to see him with anyone else......honest.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Hot Under the Collar

Ladies (and Gentleman) you're in for a treat.
It was 'non-uniform' day for the men at Sun Hill as they turned up for a special photo shoot in their civvies. Featured on THE BILL website, the cast agreed to do a photo shoot wearing their own clothes.

Those boys in blue certainly have style. Stylish and Sexy...*whistles*

Fancy having a look at Sgt Smith and co out of their uniform?

Thursday, 20 March 2008

And the winner is....

*drum roll please*


That's right. Battle of the soaps? Pfft there was only one clear winner.

At the Royal Television Society Programme Awards last night, The Bill came out on top winning the award for Best Soap and Continuing Drama.
The show beat the likes of Coronation Street and Holby City to bag the award.
A wonderful accolade for the show, getting the recognition it deserves. Let's crack open the champers ey!

All the other winners (and losers)

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Warning: Unmissa-bill

We are in for another storyline treat in the next couple of weeks. I'm just picking up my jaw from the floor as i type this.

Can't wait? Are you really really really sure you want to know? Ok...just highlight the text below...

Word on the street is that a junkie somehow manages to inject a dirty syringe full of heroin into DC Stuart Turner's neck!!!! But wait...the same junkie tells the other coppers that the needle was infected with HIV! Ohmygoodgosh. It's down to the Guv'nor to break the bad news to the sweater wearing DC.

How am I going to sleep at night! :O

Monday, 17 March 2008

Reggie Babe

It's been a turbulent time for actor Jeff Stewart aka Sun Hill's favourite PC, Reg Hollis.

Following the sad news that Stewart tried to commit suicide after being sacked from the show, it's nice to hear that he is on the mend.

PC Reg Hollis is one of a kind and the show won't be the same without him. Alongside PC Des Taviner, the duo formed one of my favourite partnerships in Sun Hill. It will be sad to see him go.

However an online petition has been formed to keep "Reggie babe" on The Bill. If you would like to show your support visit and see if your signature can make a difference.

Get Well Soon Reggie Babe :)

Double Crossing DC

One of the best things about The Bill is the fantastic characters that have walked through the Sun Hill station doors and then walked back out. Some that I was glad to see the back of but most I was sad to see leave.

Yes in this section I remember The Old Bill...the characters that are no longer on screen but forever in my heart: Step up (ex) DC ZAIN NADIR.

DC Zain Nadir first came on to our screens as undercover drug dealer 'Adi Mateen'. Thankfully the guv'nor (DCI Jack Meadows incase you didn't know) read my mind and offered Zain a job at Sun Hill CID.

The character of Zain was a breath of fresh air, with his charm and dare I say it handsomeness *swoon*. He was a copper who lets be honest would bend the rules slightly if it meant getting a result. Alright, he didn't quite play it by the book but he was a good copper and more importantly a great character.

His biggest storyline, one of the best storylines in recent times, was another undercover gig. Zain would pose as a bent copper to bring down drug dealer/businesswoman Kirsten Shaw......

But naughty Zain commited the ulitmate undercover sin and fell for the EVIL Kirsten Shaw tut tut tut. To be fair on Zain, Kirsten wasn't your average drugs baron with her long blonde hair and red lips but how could he! Poor Zain was confused. How could he fall in love with a criminal who dealt drugs? (He vowed to get justice on drug dealers following the death of his little sister Jessica to drugs). Unfortunately for DC Nadir he couldn't bare to see his lover behind bars and turned to the Dark Side, becoming a bent cop for real. Did i tell you what a BRILLIANT storyline this was? Every episode leading up to the finale was unmissable with twists and turns along the way. I'm afraid i'm going to have to cut a long story short and get to the end.

Eventually CID twigged that DC Zain Nadir had been playing them for a fool and Zain Nadir and Kirsten Shaw were eventually arrested. He had let everyone down and following the unfortunate murder of PC Honey Harman by Kirsten Shaw he was a hated man in Sun Hill.

So off he went to serve his time at her Majesty's pleasure. Sad times :(

That was the end of Zain Nadir...

Or was it?

Zain was back for a Crimbo special last year! Wooohoooo! It was time to make amends with Sun Hill and Meadows, and use his inside knowledge to bring down a dangerous drug deal. Returning in his crisp white shirt and grey suit *swoon* he was back in Sun Hill on a days release...much to the delight of the relief, especially a certain PC Will Fletcher and his fist.

Zain showed he wasn't a bad person at heart when he chose to help tackle a dangerous criminal and save Meadows rather than run away. But he could not be forgiven for what he had done in the past.

This truly was the last we ever saw of Zain Nadir.

Wherever you are Zain you will always be in my heart x

If you can't get enough of Zain Nadir than visit actor T J Ramini's website

"Hello Hello Hello"

Welcome to This Is The Bill (Sierra Oscar: A Sun Hill blog).
If you haven't already guessed what this blog is about then i'll put you out of your misery and tell you now...
It's all about THE BILL. Possibly the best Police drama/soap on British Telly.
I Love The Bill. There i've said it.
I'm surely not alone in thinking this therefore have created this blog to unite Bill fans everywhere. Anything 'The Bill' related and you'll find it on here, from episode updates to 'The Old Bill' remembering the good old years.

So till next time... *sings theme tune*