Tuesday 18 March 2008

Warning: Unmissa-bill

We are in for another storyline treat in the next couple of weeks. I'm just picking up my jaw from the floor as i type this.

Can't wait? Are you really really really sure you want to know? Ok...just highlight the text below...

Word on the street is that a junkie somehow manages to inject a dirty syringe full of heroin into DC Stuart Turner's neck!!!! But wait...the same junkie tells the other coppers that the needle was infected with HIV! Ohmygoodgosh. It's down to the Guv'nor to break the bad news to the sweater wearing DC.

How am I going to sleep at night! :O

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH EM GEE this sounds completely unmissable!
I'm not the most dedicated Bill fan but this looks amazing. too bad i missed it!