Sunday 6 April 2008

Do you wanna be in my gang?

When Sgt Callum Stone first came on our screens, I thought "hey wasn't he on London's Burning?" haha but as well as that I thought "hmm there's gotta be more to this guy than meets the eye".

And you know what, I think I was right.
I mean so far we've learnt that if you get on the wrong side of the Sarge or if you don't like his policing methods then there's the door, off you go. It was a shame that PC Dan Casper and PC Leela Kapoor had to find out the hard way.

If you do get on the right side of the Sarge then you're lucky. Cos from what we've seen he'll look out for you. Loyalty means alot to Stone and him sticking his neck out for the relief has seen the formation of "Stone's Gang"...

Current members of the gang are: PC Will Fletcher, PC Sally Armstrong and PC Ben Gayle.

How do you get to be in his gang? Basically, you mess up and then Sun Hill's very own Jimmy Saville, Stone fixes it for you. All on the hush hush of course. You're then out of guilt a member of 'the gang'. 'The Gang' then set out to bring you justice, even if it's rough and not very 'on the level', like this.

Best way to describe Stone: Good Cop, Bad Cop (as his first episode was titled)

What's in store for "Stone's Gang": Well there's alot more to come from them, expect to see jealousy of the gang especially from a certain PC Emma Keane...

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